Research Agenda, Updates & Publications


In my research, I analyze the diversity in social and linguistic aspects of human-human and human-machine interactions (e.g., open-domain dialogue systems, HRI) across media (e.g. face-to-face, digital environments) through both qualitative and computational methods of analyses. I have worked extensively on multilingualism & linguistic diversity around the world (e.g., Europe, Asia, South America, Africa) from a dynamic point of view including variation and change as major components for communication between humans and authored several interdisciplinary research outputs (see below).

Research Interests: Multilingualism & Linguistic Diversity (e.g., our papers in ACL-IJNLP’2021, LREC’2022, EMNLP’23), social aspects of human-human and human-machine communication, Diversity and Inclusion in AI, Language Contact & Change for humans and machine intelligence, Human-Machine Interactions, Personalization & Recommendation Systems, Digital Humanities, Computational Social Science & NLP, Open-Domain Chatbots (e.g., our papers in SIGDIAL’2021, SIGDIAL’2023) Building & Maintaining High Quality & Diverse Data for Low Resource Languages (e.g., our paper in Language Resources and Evaluation Journal’2022), Representativeness, Bias and Ethical Issues for Data Curation & Quality (e.g., our paper at EMNLP’2023), Reproducibility of research artifacts (e.g., our paper in Interspeech2023).


  • Program Chair (PC) for Digital Humanities Benelux-2025 (Amsterdam/NL).
  • Forthcoming Associate Editor for Language, Resources and Evaluation Journal.
  • EMNLP’24 Best Paper Award Evaluation Committee Member.
  • Outstanding Senior Area Chair Award EMNLP’2023.
  • Senior Area Chair for ACL’2023, EMNLP’2023, LREC-COLING’2024.
  • Expert Evaluator for EC-Horizon (ERA)
  • Committee Member & Assessor/Expert Evaluator for NWO (Netherlands Organization for Science), FNRS (Le Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique), NSF (National Science Foundation), ERA (European Research Area).
  • SIGLEX-MWE (ACL Special Interest Group on Lexicon/Natural Language Processing) Standing Committee Member and nominated officer (2023-2025).
  • SemEval (International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation) Co-Chair & Co-Organizer (2023-2024).
  • Steering Committee Member and Executive Committee Member for Digital Humanities-Benelux.
  • PhD Thesis Evaluation Committee Member & Jury:
  • D’Oosterlinck, K. (2025). “Interpreting and Aligning Large Language Models”, PhD Dissertation, Universiteit Gent, Belgium.
  • Lothritz, C. (2023). “NLP de Luxe. Challenges for Natural Language Processing in Luxembourg”, PhD Dissertation, University of Luxembourg, Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and Trust, University of Luxembourg.
  • Adebara, I. (2024). Towards Afrocentric Natural Language Processing. University of British Columbia, Canada.

Keynote Speaker:

  • 2024     SPELL’24 (Speech & Language Technology for Low Resource Languages) Conference/India.
  • 2022     TALN’22 (Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles/Nationwide Annual Conference for Computational Linguistics in France), Avignon, France.
  • 2017     Computer Mediated Communication and Corpora Conference, European Academy (EURAC), Bolzano, Italy.
  • 2013     EMPIRIKOM (Scientific Network: Empirical Research on Internet Based Communication, DFG, German Research Foundation), Hamburg, Germany.
